Yet More Swims
This page lists extra swims that don't fit in the main schedules for one reason or another, like short swims, marathon swims, boutique swims, practice swims, and clinics. The intent is to catalog events for interested swimmers to investigate further. Details of locations, dates, and times are not included; events are not actively reviewed for changes or cancellations. There are 81 listings in 28 states/groupings.
SCAR Swims; Apache Junction, AZ; Saguaro Lake, Canyon Lake, Apache Lake, and Roosevelt Lake; April – May: A series of four marathon swims on consecutive days in four lakes; "stepping stone to completing channel swims around the world"; about 40 mi in aggregate; 40–45 swimmers. Ⓡ
East Bay; Richmond, CA; San Francisco Bay; year-round: Group swims.
Huntington Beach Pier Swim; Huntington Beach, CA; Pacific Ocean; June: Race; into the surf, around the pier, and back to shore; ½ mi.
La Jolla Cove Swim Club; La Jolla, CA; La Jolla Cove; year-round: Informal group swims in cove; daily at various times as members meet-up.
Mile Buoy Swim; Santa Cruz, CA; Monterey Bay; TBD: Non-competitive swim; 3 km. Appears to be defunct.
Nite Moves; Santa Barbara, CA; Pacific Ocean; May – August: Weekly race with Summer Sunset Series; Wednesdays; 2 km.
Reef & Run; Santa Barbara, CA; Pacific Ocean; June – August: Weekly race on Thursday evenings; ½ km, 1 km, or 1 mi.
San Francisco Swim; San Francisco, CA; San Francisco Bay; year-round: Group swims and clinics in San Francisco Bay; all swimmer levels; non-competitive; support/safety team: Weekly one-hour workout, with coach(es); Sundays (morning) and Thursdays (afternoon); Aquatic Park cove or Crissy Field; limited to 60 swimmers per session. Monthly offshore swims in the bay; various courses; 1¼, 2, 3.6, 6.2 mi; limited to 49 swimmers per session.
Santa Cruz Masters; Santa Cruz, CA; Monterey Bay; year-round: Informal training swims on Sundays.
Santa Cruz Pier-to-Pier; Santa Cruz, CA; Santa Cruz Harbor; October: Cold-water marathon swim, 10 km, deep water, off shore; no wetsuits; Capitola Beach to Cowell Beach; personal kayaker required.
Semana Nautica Six-Mile; Santa Barbara, CA; Pacific Ocean; mid July: Marathon ocean swim from Goleta Beach Park, past More Mesa and Hope Ranch, to Arroyo Burro Beach (aka Hendry’s Beach); 6 mi.
Swim for SOF; San Diego, CA; San Diego Bay; mid-Sep: Fund-raising event for The Honor Foundation, supporting US Special Operations Forces; 1 mi leg from Glorietta Park to Tidewater Park followed by on-land tribute workout; plus 2.3 mi leg from Tidewater Park to USS Midway Museum followed by on-deck tribute workout; option for 1 mi leg only; limited to approximately 120 swimmers.
TBF Open Water Swim Class; Granite Bay, CA; Folsom Lake; May–Aug: Coached sessions for beginner, intermediate, and advanced swimmers; Monday and Wednesday evenings.
Winter Alcatraz; San Francisco, CA; San Francisco Bay; March: Race in cold-water (48–56 ℉) from offshore Alcatraz Island to Aquatic Park; 1¼ mi.
Skaha Lake Ultra Swim; Penticton, BC; Skaha Lake; August: Penticton to Okanagan Falls; 11.8 km.
Vancouver OWS Association (VOWSA); Vancouver, BC; English Bay; May – August: Guarded practice swims on Monday and Thursday evenings; 1½ km circuit.
Boulder Aquatic Masters (BAM); Boulder, CO; Boulder Reservoir; June – August: Casual swims on Tuesday and Thursday mornings in summer; guarded course.
Stroke & Stride Series; Boulder, CO; Boulder Reservoir; June, July, August: Practice swims in Boudler Reservoir on Thursday (mostly) evenings; once or twice around 750 meter course; optional 5 km run after swim.
Quassapaug Sailing Center; Middlebury, CT; Lake Quassapaug; June – August: Training clinics on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings.
SWIM Across the Sound; Bridgeport, CT; Long Island Sound; August: Marathon swim across Long Island Sound from Port Jefferson, NY, to Bridgeport, CT; 15 mi. Ⓡ
Camp Alligator; Sand Key, FL; Gulf of Mexico; June: Training camp for Alligator Lighthouse swim.
Lucky's Lake Frogman Night Ops 5K Swim; Orlando, FL; Lucky's Lake aka Lake Cane; November: Fund-raising swim; choice of starting late-afternoon, sunset, or evening; finish in the dark. Appears to be defunct.
Lucky's Lake Swim; Orlando, FL; Lucky's Lake aka Lake Cane; daily: Group swims, Monday through Saturday; 1 km; open to all capable swimmers.
Rainbow River Swim Club; Dunnellon, FL; Rainbow River; May – September: Downriver swim; 3.7 mi; one each month.
Sunshine Swim Series; Clearwater & St Petersburg, FL; Gulf of Mexico; daily: Various swims in the Tampa Bay area.
TriFloyd's 8 Mile Swim; Clearwater, FL; Old Tampa Bay; November: Limited to 20 swimmers; personal kayaker required. Ⓡ
Maui Channel Swim; Maui, HI; Maui Channel; September: Relay swim from Lanai to Maui; 6 swimmers per team; fixed rotations; 10 mi. Ⓡ
Maui Nui Swim; Maui, HI; Pacific Ocean; February and October: Over three days, swim across the the channels separating Maui, Molokai, and Lanai; 8½–9 mi; small group.
Possibly Annual Hawaiian Looong Distance Invitational Rough-H₂O Swim; Honolulu (O'ahu), HI; Waikiki Bay; October: Race; 7 km out-and-back; kayak escort required; loosely invitational.
Waikiki Swim Club; Honolulu (O'ahu), HI; Pacific Ocean; Sundays: Casual group swims; 2–3 mi; visitors welcome; Kaimana Beach and other beaches, depending on season.
Ames Triathlon; Ames, IA; Ada Hayden Lake; June: Swim-only option; 750 m; triangle course; time-trial starts, from boat ramp. Ⓣ
Team MPI; Boise, ID; Quinn's Pond; June: Clinic.
Open Water Chicago; Chicago, IL; Lake Michigan; Year-round(?): Swim meet-ups; semi-regularly on Sunday mornings at sunrise.
Summer Sundays; Huntington, IN; Lake Clare; May – September: Practice sessions on Sundays; various courses; guarded; 1 PM start.
Crossing Currents Aquatics — Bridge 2 Bridge Pod Swim; Riva, MD; South River; May: Non-competitive swim in pods of 2–4 swimmers; relay or all-in; about three miles.
Crossing Currents Aquatics — Swim South River; Riva, MD; South River; October: No-pressure swim celebrating the South River; all swimming levels; ½ mile 5 mile options; swimming equipment OK.
Crossing Currents Aquatics — practice swims and clinics; Riva, MD; South River; May – September: Training swims on Sunday mornings, Wednesday evenings, Friday mornings; ninety-minute clinics.
DC Marathon Swim; National Harbor, MD; Potomac River; October: 20½ mi swim between Fletcher’s Cove and Mt Vernon estate.
WaveOne Open Water; National Harbor and Annapolis, MD; Potomac River; May – September: Training swims on Sunday mornings and Thursday evenings in National Harbor; marked course 300–500 meters; guarded.
El Cruce; Cancún, QR; Caribbean Sea; May: 10 km point-to-point swim from Cancún to Isla Mujeres (Cruce Completo); 3.8 km loop swim off beach (Iron Swim); 1.9 km loop swim off beach (Half Iron Swim).
Sharkfest — Zihuatanejo; Playa Troncones, GR; Manzanillo Bay; January: Non-competitive group swim. Walk from Hacienda Eden to Majahua village, then swim back to Hacienda Eden. Appears to be defunct.
Epic Practice Swim; Grass Lake, MI; Portage Lake; June: Practice swim around 400 m course; guarded; 1½ hours.
Mackinac Bridge Swim; Mackinaw City, MI; Straits of Mackinac; July: Swim under the Mackinac Bridge across the Straits of Mackinac; from Michilimackinac SP (Mackinaw City) to Bridge View Park (St Ignace); 4–5 mi; fund-raising swim supporting first responders in Michigan.
North Carolina
Hell or High Water Swim; Mt. Holly, NC; Catawba River; June: Marathon swim from Mt Holly boat landing to South Point boat ramp (Belmont); 10 miles; personal kayak escort required. Ⓡ
North Dakota
END-WET; Grand Forks, ND; Red River of the North; June: END-WET: Extreme North Dakota Watersports Endurance Test; ultra-marathon swim of 36 miles; limited registration. Ⓡ
New Jersey
Draper Training; Hightstown, NJ; Peddie Lake; May – August: Training swims Friday evenings and Saturday mornings; guarded; clinic in July. Ⓣ Canceled.
ETA Coach; Medford, NJ; Lake Stockwell; April – September: Training swims on weekday evenings and weekend mornings; clinics; restrooms, outdoor shower, changing booths. Ⓣ
Ocean City Swim Club; Ocean City, NJ; Atlantic Ocean; May – September: Training sessions around a triangular course; Sundays and Thursdays; drop-ins accepted; restrooms.
Wild Harbor Tri Club; Wildwood, NJ; Atlantic Ocean and Sunset Lake (a bay); Summer: Training swims in ocean and bay; guarded; drop-ins accepted.
New Mexico
zoëfitness Swim New Mexico; Caballo, NM; Lake Caballo; April: Clinic and non-competitive swims; guarded course; 1.2 mi or 5 km.
zoëfitness Swim New Mexico; Galina, NM; Abiquiu Lake; June: Clinic and non-competitive swims; guarded course; 1.2 mi or 5 km.
zoëfitness Swim New Mexico; Los Ojos, NM; Lake Heron; August: Clinic and non-competitive swims; guarded course; 1.2 mi or 5 km.
New York
Breezy Point; Brooklyn, NY; Lower Bay; August: Swim from Breezy Point to Brighton Beach; 5 km; restricted to CIBBOWS members; offered intermittently.
Brooklyn Bridge Swim; Brooklyn, NY; East River; July: Fun, fast swim under Brooklyn Bridge; 1 km; Brooklyn Bridge Park Pier 5.
Coney Island Brighton Beach Open Water Swimmers (CIBBOWS); Coney Island, NY; NYC bays; Summer: Marathon training swims for CIBBOWS members: Governors Island to Sandy Hook, 14 mi; Governors Island to Marine Parkway Bridge, 16 mi; Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge to Sandy Hook, 9 mi; Coney Island Pier to Red Hook Valentino Pier, 10 mi.
Finger Lakes OWS Festival; Watkins Glen, NY; Seneca Lake; July: Marathon swims in southern end of Seneca Lake; 6 mi solo, 12 mi solo, or 6+6 mi two-person relay; personal kayaker provides navigation; Marathon Swimmers Federation rules; limited to 30 swimmers.
Heckscher State Park; East Islip, NY; Great South Bay; July – August: Group swims on Saturday mornings; laps around two buoys 400–800 yd apart; restrooms an showers available.
NYOW — 20/40 Bridges Swims; New York, NY; NYC waterways; June, July, August, September: Multi-day marathon swims around Manhattan Island; multiple dates; 2–3 swimmers per date; once around is 20 Bridges Swim; twice around is 40 Bridges Swim.
NYOW — 8 Bridges Swims; Upstate to NYC, NY; Hudson River; June, July: Week-long marathon swims spanning 120 mi of the Hudson River; seven stages of 13.2–19.8 mi; choose any of 1–7 stages; from Rip Van Winkle Bridge in Catskills south to Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge in NYC. Ⓡ
NYOW — Ederle-Burke Swim; New York, NY; mixed; early fall: 16.1 mi swim from Battery Park in New York City to Sandy Hook, NJ.
Rose Ultra Marathon Swim; Manhattan, NY; East River & New York Bay; August: Marathon swim of 17 mi from East 23rd Street in Manhattan to Steeplechase Pier in Coney Island; solo or relay; motorboat and kayak escorts provided; retraces route of record-setting swim by Rose Pitonof.
Swim-a-Mile for Hospice; Norwood, NY; Norwood Lake; August: Non-competitive swim; ¼, ½, 1 mi course, guarded; fund-raising event for Hospice of St Lawrence Valleys.
Timber Point Park; Oakdale, NY; Connetquot River; Starts in May: Group swims on Saturday mornings; laps around two buoys 400–800 yd apart.
Barbados Open Water Festival; Bridgetown, BB; Carlisle Bay; November: Guided practice swims on the Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday before the festival's races on Saturday and Sunday; 2 km.
Portland Bridge; Portland, OR; Willamette River; July: Marathon swim passing under twelve bridges in Portland; 11 mi; limited to 100 swimmers. Ⓜ
USMS Nationals — Ultramarathon; Portland, OR; Willamette River; July: See Portland Bridge Swim Ⓜ
Mid-Atlantic Multisport; Downingtown, PA; Marsh Creek Lake; May – September: Training swims, course changes each session; Wednesday evenings, 5:00–7:00 PM; guarded; clinics.
Three Rivers Marathon Swim; Pittsburgh, PA; Pittsburgh's three rivers; September: Course comprises out-and-back legs from Point State Park into the Ohio River, the Monongahela River, and the Allegheny River; 30 km (6 legs of 5 km); escorted.
Rhode Island
Around Beavertail Swim; Jamestown, RI; Narraganset Bay; August: An 11 km point-to-point swim; from Mackerel Cove to Fort Getty Park; passes Beavertail Lighthouse and State Park.
Sachuest Ocean Swimmers; Middletown, RI; Sachuest Bay; Seasonal(?): Regular group swims; Second (Sachuest) Beach in Middletown; Mackerel Cove in Jamestown; First Beach (Easton's Beach) in Newport.
South Carolina
Swim Around Charleston; Mount Pleasant, SC; Charleston waterways; September or October: 12½ mi marathon swim in the Charleston waterways and harbor. Ⓡ
KOWS; Knoxville, TN; Tennessee River; May – September: Thursday evening swims, 6:30–7:30 PM; Suttree Landing Park; guarded. Ⓜ
Swim the Suck; Chattanooga, TN; Tennessee River Gorge; October: 10 mi marathon swim, downstream; with kayaker. Ⓜ
WaveOne Open Water; Spotsylvania, VA; Lake Anna; May: Clinics.
In Search of Memphre; Newport, VT; Lake Memphremagog; July, August, September: Ultra-marathon swim of 25 mi between Newport, VT, and Magog, QC; multiple dates; 1–3 swimmers per date.
Northwest Open Water Swimming Association (NOWSA); Seattle, WA; Puget Sound, Lake Washington; by appointment: Boutique marathon swims in Seattle area.
Open Water Wednesdays; Kent, WA; Lake Meridian; June – August: Coached workouts around a 300 yd course; evenings.
Say Yes to Life Swims; Seattle, WA; Lake Washington; June – September: Various boutique swims; 1-6 mi; each limited to 20 swimmers.
Swim Defiance Cold Water; Tacoma, WA; Commencement Bay; June, July: Cold-water training swims for Swim Defiance; ten evening practices; Point Defiance Park or Jack Hyde Park.