Hello and welcome to my catalog of 354 open-water swims in the US and then some.
There are multiple regional schedules, with some overlap.
Each schedule gives the basics to help you find swims to your liking:
what, where, when, plus links to details.
The criteria for listing are simple and liberal.
A swim must be an annual event, open to a general adult audience, and held in the US or close-by.
Its distance should be at least a mile or so, and a link to the swim's details must be available.
Swims along the New Jersey Shore, my splashing grounds, get some extra attention.
Here are the schedules:
There's also a page of Yet More Swims
that don't fit in the schedules above for one reason or another,
like short swims, marathon swims, boutique swims, practice swims, and clinics.
The Guide to Schedules
explains the conventions.
It also provides some info on what goes into the underlying database–should you fancy that sort of thing.
And if you like to check out the provenance of websites,
take a look at the About page.
Did you notice a mistake on these pages?
Do you know of another swim fitting the criteria for listing?
Kindly enlighten me via ows@raysnotebook.info.