Open Water Swims 2025
About 47% confirmed, 46% unconfirmed, 2% suspended, 2% notoffered, 4% defunct.
Updated monthly, more or less.
Hello and welcome to my catalog of 347 open-water swims in the US and then some. There are multiple regional schedules, with some overlap. Each schedule gives the basics to help you find swims to your liking: what, where, when, plus links to details. The criteria for listing are simple and liberal. A swim must be an annual event, open to a general adult audience, and held in the US or close-by. Its distance should be at least a mile or so, and a link to the swim's details must be available. Swims along the New Jersey Shore, my splashing grounds, get some extra attention. Here are the schedules:
Did you notice a mistake on these pages? Do you know of another swim fitting the criteria for listing? Kindly enlighten me via